Start date: 2019
Finish date: 2023
Scope of work:
CRIADO was the Prime Consultant responsible for the survey and design of more than 2,600 LF of this reconstruction of an existing 2-lane asphalt roadway section with ditches along both sides between Pleasant Ridge and Shorewood as a concrete roadway section with curb-and-gutter and closed drainage system. The section of Poly Webb from Pleasant Ridge to Bowman Springs will be reconstructed as a 2-lane with shared left-turn lane 38-foot roadway section with sidewalks on both sides. The section from Bowman Springs to Shorewood will be reconstructed as a 2-lane roadway section with parallel parking along the west side and 8-foot trail on the East side and 5-foot sidewalk on the west side. A roundabout will be constructed at the Bowman Springs intersection. CRIADO is overseeing the overall project design, including development of the optimal paving horizontal and vertical alignment to minimize necessary grading into adjacent residential properties and replacement limits along intersecting streets. CRIADO also worked with the project design team to develop a design alternative that will most cost effectively capture over 200 cubic feet per second (CFS) of water that currently sheet flows into Poly Webb from the adjacent residential areas.