Start date: 2021
Finish date: 2023
Scope of work:
CRIADO performed drainage and SUE services for the Town of Addison on the Rawhide Creek Basin. This drainage project consisted of improvements along the residential streets of Waterside Court, Waterford Drive, Les Lacs Avenue, Beaupark Lane, and Brookwood Lane, as well as the trail section beginning at Brookwood Lane and continuing parallel to Brookwood Lane through the linear park connecting at Marsh Lane.
The drainage improvements consisted of capturing storm runoff along Waterside Court and Waterford Drive at the respective low-point curb inlets and running proposed underground storm drainpipes towards the intersection at Les Lacs Avenue. Additional drainage improvements along Les Lacs Avenue ran from Waterside Court to Beau Park Lane. Along Beau Park Lane, drainage improvements consisted of replacing the storm drainpipe to increase capacity along Beau Park Lane from Les Lacs Avenue to Brookwood Lane and continued south along the existing trail at Brookwood Lane. The drainage improvements followed the trail south from Brookwood Lane and run west along the linear park connecting to the existing storm drain system at Marsh Lane with a 5×3 box culvert tying into two 48-inch RC pipes, along with an underground detention basin. A small underground detention area was necessary to detain the peak flooding event to mitigate for downstream impacts to Farmers Branch.