Start date: 1/2017
Finish date: 5/2019
Contract type: Design
Total Construction Cost: $8,920,000
Scope of work:
CRIADO served as the Prime Consultant, performing survey and engineering services for this joint project between the City of Mesquite and Dallas County Public Works. Project scope included reconstruction of more than one mile of Town East Boulevard between Skyline Drive and US Highway 80 to a six-lane, divided, reinforced concrete pavement section from US Highway 80 to Forney Road, and a four-lane, divided, reinforced concrete pavement section from Forney Road to Skyline Drive. The need for this project was precipitated by the deteriorated condition of existing pavement due to heavy truck traffic, as well as the sound nuisance of heavy truck traffic near this residential area.
CRIADO worked with City staff to develop and evaluate several potential roadway typical sections to best address public concerns and prepared exhibits and materials for presentation at a public meeting, achieving citizen support for the lane reduction approach. We also worked with City staff and the traffic engineering subconsultant to prepare a traffic impact analysis report to evaluate this proposed lane reduction.