Dallas Horseshoe Wastewater Interceptors and Munger Place Area Water and Wastewater Improvements, DWU Contract No. 14-115/116E

Dallas, Texas

Start date: 4/2014

Finish date: 1/2015

Contract type: Design


Total Construction Cost: $6,480,000

Scope of work:

CRIADO was responsible for the study, development of alternatives, and design of Munger Avenue Historic District water distribution evaluation. Our team designed water and wastewater line replacements for Dallas Water Utilities. The project scope included rehabilitation design for 16,500 linear feet of 8-inch and 12-inch water line for replacement, 5,000 linear feet of 8- 18-inch wastewater line replacement, and the replacement of 825 linear feet of existing 8-inch water line with new 16-inch water line along Columbia Avenue from Henderson to N. Augusta in Dallas. The rehabilitation method chosen for the Munger Avenue project involved slip-lining using fusible PVC pipe.